Couple Up! Love Show Wiki
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The voice announces that a re-coupling will take place in 15 minutes, causing everyone to rush and get dressed. Meanwhile, Playr appears on the rooftop, where Colin and Adam are engaged in a heated argument about the nature of art. The re-coupling order is as follows:
Charlotte Colin Keira/Amanda

During the re-coupling, Leo chooses Charlotte as his partner. Colin is left without a partner, and Keira/Amanda is left with Leo. After the re-coupling, the voice announces that the love seeker with the lowest ranking will have to leave the show. Adam remembers that Brandon promised to perform a stand-up comedy routine after the re-coupling. The love seekers go to sleep after the eventful evening.

Gem Choice[]

Gem Choice: The option to choose a stand-up comedy routine is presented. If selected, all the love seekers gather on stage. Penelope and Charlotte prepare alcoholic cocktails for everyone. Adam introduces himself and starts his routine with an anatomy joke, followed by a joke about either Charlotte or Zoey (player's choice). Finally, Adam ends his routine by joking that if he and Leo were combined, they would make a "normal" person.
