Couple Up! Love Show Wiki
The Role Swap Day
The Improv Show
Couple Up! Season 1
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The voice announces for all love seekers to meet in the mysterious corridor, where they engage in a chat about Russian roulette. Shortly after, the voice announces that it's role swap day.

The player meets the loveseekers in their putfits, and they have a conversation together.


Colin/Adam (Depending on who doesn't get eliminated) expresses how much they miss each other.

Charlotte and Leo have a conversation. Charlotte talks about her past boyfriends, while Leo shares a story about a girl he once loved. Penelope and Dave dance the tango together. Kiera asks the player for help. Gem Choice: The player is presented with the option to choose one of the following: "You look great together" - pairs Dave and Penelope together for the role swap. "Sure" - the player helps Kiera/Amanda pretend to be Adam/Colin for the role swap

Image Name
Adam(Improv) Keira/Amanda
Adele Adam
Brenda Brandon
Charlie Charlotte
Claire Colin
Diana Dave
Leah Leo
Polin Penelope
Zane Zoey